Kids & Company Blog

Hearty Herbs!

 The Kidco Kitchen uses fresh herbs in almost all of our entrees and dips, besides adding delicious flavour to our dishes, many of these herbs also pack a nutritional punch!  Fresh herbs can be found year round in the supermarket and are also easy houseplants. Growing your own herbs is a great way to introduce… [read more]

Stopping the Sweet Tooth

The Kidco Kitchen philosophy includes no added sugars in any of our delicious meals, this is because we know the importance of stopping a sweet tooth from developing at a young age. Added sugar in baby’s diet sets them on a path to a lifetime of overeating, because the earlier your palate acquires the taste for… [read more]

Very Vegetarian!

The Kidco Kitchen serves up a delicious protein packed vegetarian dish once a week to our children across the country! We cater to all different types of vegetarians at the Kidco Kitchen; from pesco-vegetarians to vegans. We believe serving one vegetarian meal a week will help to increase the children’s palate to plant based proteins… [read more]

Back to School!  

Fall is around the corner and you and your little ones are getting ready for back to school! Along with the return of backpacks and agendas is the dreaded school lunch! However, making lunch for your little one can be quick and easy while giving them all the nutrition they need. Kidco Kitchen recommends purchasing… [read more]

Outdoor play, the Kidco way!

What will the children play with? Why isn’t there a slide or monkey bars? Will there be enough for my child to do? These are just a few of the questions that arise when some parents tour Kids & Company outdoor play spaces. As you may know, we have built many child care centres over the… [read more]

The Benefits of Play!

In my family, we’ve always had lots of play. With eight children, they all at some point another played with each other and kept busy with great pretend games, sports play and sensory activities (even if that means making a mud pit in the backyard!). It is so important for children to explore through play… [read more]

Tasty Tomatoes!

Canada has amazing fresh from the vine tomatoes all summer long!  Tomatoes are a staple in the summer time whether you are adding them to salads, hamburgers, or simply eating them sliced with your breakfast.  The Kidco Kitchen has been taking advantage of the delicious local tomatoes in our chili’s, salsa, jambalaya, sauces and more!… [read more]

Fun with Falafels!

This summer we have added a delicious vegetarian falafel dish to our Kidco Kitchen menu! Our falafels are made from whole simple ingredients, but still capture that rich Middle Eastern flavour! Falafels are traditionally an Egyptian dish consisting of Fava beans or Chickpeas and spices. Falafels made their way north from Egypt through the city of… [read more]

Keeping Your Kiddos Busy this August!

Summer is not over yet and for some of you that may mean you are running out of ideas on how to entertain your school age children. Two of my three kids are school age and despite spending time at day camps they also crave some time at home to hang out. I find this… [read more]

Wonderful Watermelon!

This summer we have added delicious and hydrating watermelon to our Kidco Kitchen Menu! Watermelon is 92% water and is a great way to keep all our active Kidco children hydrated throughout the day!  The children get to enjoy this yummy fruit on our menu every week! The mild sweet flavour, combined with the bright… [read more]