Kids & Company Blog

Preparing for the Potty Training Adventure!

 As most of you know Landon, my son, is a toddler and the question regarding when to potty train has been lingering through our household for a couple of months now. Especially with number two on the way…From what I’ve heard/read you have two choices when it comes to adding baby number two and potty… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Activity – Food Collages!

Last week, we had a very special guest at our office. Kids & Company’s Human Resource Manager’s daughter spent the day with us and actually influenced my blog for today. She was looking for a fun activity idea and decided, seeing my many interesting food magazines, that she would like to put together a food… [read more]

Sibling Harmony

I grew up in the family of three girls where sibling rivalry was always very  prevalent. In fact as adults I would say in certain circumstances  the sibling rivalry is still there!  Being the youngest of the three I often felt the need to  be careful of what I did and said so as to… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Challenge – In the Spirit of Nutrition Month!

As March, or Nutrition Month as the Dietitians of Canada call it, comes to an end, I want to promote their ideas once again (If you missed last week’s blog, take a quick look here to see the campaign Dietitians of Canada has going on for the month of March.). It is so important to… [read more]

Getting Young Children to Sleep

Spring is the time when many of our families are anticipating the arrival of their second child. A very important time to ensure that child number one is a good sleeper. Tough to go from feeding a new born baby one hour and then soothing a toddler back to sleep the next. I learned the… [read more]

The Gift of a Growing Family

So this month we’re addressing growing your family and siblings…It’s fabulously appropriate for my home now because we’re only a few months away from adding another little person to our collection ourselves. Yep, that Kardeshes are growing. A baby girl is scheduled to arrive in June and we’re delighted. My sister shared this video with… [read more]

March is Nutrition Month!

Did you know that the Dietitians of Canada has named March the Nutrition Month? I received some great information from the Dietitians of Canada recently and thought it was important to share with my Kids & Company network. The Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month is “designed to get back to the cooking basics and to… [read more]

The Arrival of Child #2 – How Not To Do It

As this month we are discussing all things “siblings”, I just thought I would share the crazy story of how our son (Joshua) arrived into this world (and how I got to share the news to my then 2 year old daughter Jainie). So, I will preface this story by saying my wife and I… [read more]

Fun with Food and Nutrition – Mix a Fruit Salad!

I came across the ‘Mix a Fruit Salad” game recommended for preschool-aged children while looking through a newsletter issued by our Public Health Nutritionist in Nova Scotia. While I’m not one to suggest playing with your food, I do love this fun food activity. Looking for ways to have your children play together? The whole… [read more]

The Importance of Siblings: Unconditional Love

When I asked my children what was the best part about having a sibling, it amazed me how similar their answers were. She said “effortless company and companionship”. He said “having a friend within reach”. Later themselves were both amazed of their similar heartfelt answers.   Great to know as a parent your own children… [read more]