Kids & Company Blog

What makes a parent?

Ah, Life. Yes, I’m talking about the BBC documentary series. If you haven’t seen it, check it out – it’s astounding and brilliant and educational all at the same time, and is the basis for many a parody about human behaviour. One particular scene shows a female North Pacific giant octopus finding a quiet den… [read more]

Victoria Day Weekend

With Victoria Day weekend finally here, summer is just around the corner! This means more amusement parks, beach outings, strolls around the beautiful city landscape, farmer’s markets, and so much more! If you’re planning on spending your long weekend enjoying the warmer weather, think about bringing along your own meals and snacks. It’s a less… [read more]

Lemon Poppy Seed Loaf

Spring is my favourite season of the year bringing sunshine, t-shirt weather and the sweet smells of new beginnings.  It is so exciting to go grocery shopping with all the new and delicious produce available in the stores and local farmers markets.  We have just launched the new Spring Menu from the Kidco Kitchen and… [read more]

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is one of the most important days of the year. One special day where we take time to appreciate the mothers that work hard every day to better the lives of their kiddies! Whether it’s cooking us a beautiful dinner or cleaning up after us, we can never thank our mothers enough for… [read more]

Cuckoo for Coconut!

What do you think of when someone says the word coconut? Do you think of drinking one with a straw and mini umbrella while lying on the beach? How about a frosty Pina Colada with a tropical blend of flavourful coconut and a sweet piece of pineapple? While we all wait for these blissful summer… [read more]

Sibling Rivalry: What you can do to prevent it.

Siblings fight.  They just do.  It is apart of how they learn to share space, things and, of course, you.  But sibling fighting is different than sibling rivalry. Sibling fighting is what happens on the surface:  The grabbing, the hitting, the teasing, the refusing to share, etc.   Sibling rivalry is more under the surface.  It… [read more]

Birthday Fun at Sky Zone!

Turning three is a really big deal, so we had to be sure the party was an equally big deal. After all, at the age of three you know exactly what you want! Mac and his dad had been to Sky Zone on a Sunday morning in the middle of the winter and he came… [read more]

Not All Oils Created Equal

Every season is oil season. Whether you’re making a hardy meat dish to keep the family warm in the winter, or a light summer salad, there’s oil on the pan or in the dressing. But we’ve come across a common misconception that all oils are interchangeable and that what you put in a pan is… [read more]

Sibling Rivalry and Our High Hopes for Two Brothers

When we found out we were having a second boy, my husband and I were pretty thrilled. There just seems something special about two boys roaming the world together, having each others’ backs and being good brothers. Those of you laughing already see where this is going. Porter and Oscar are only 3 and 1,… [read more]

Figuring out Finger Foods

Babies that are younger are used to being fed by others and are used to the same basic texture of mushy, pureed baby foods. While many parents are concerned over the transition from diapers to toilets a big transition in baby’s life is the transition from baby food to adult foods and to self-feeding when… [read more]