Kids & Company Blog

Family Cooking!

I love getting my kids involved in the kitchen! It gets them learning new things and allows their inner chef creativity to flow! Letting them add spices here and there, even if I already picked them out, makes them feel like they contributed to the meal.  We have collected 8 tips on cooking together and we hope they will help bring you and your children amazing meals and memories to share as a family!



Kidco Kitchen Tips on Family Cooking:

  1. Make cooking fun, not work! Make all steps of the cooking adventure rewarding, such as gathering, preparing and sharing. Don’t worry about the mess…. just get in there and have fun!


  1. Begin by shopping together. Take them to the local grocery store, focus on getting them to pick out fresh produce. Get them to pick something new and unknown!


  1. Go beyond the farmers market and meet a farmer. Supporting the local growers will give your family a chance to get real life experience and see where their food is actually coming from! Show them all the effort and hard work it takes to produce the food they eat.


  1. Create a food budget. This one is mainly for you but it can help your kids with mathematical problems and they can start acknowledging prices at an early age. It will also help them in the future when they are trying to figure out how much their dinners or weekly meals costs.


  1. Use a baking sheet as a work station. They are a great way to organize ingredients for recipes and contain any mess. Be patient and let your kids be engaged.


  1. Pop Real Popcorn. This is a fun way to get your kids excited about the kitchen. Add kernels to a pot with oil, try using coconut oil it adds a hint of flavour and its super delicious and healthy. The excitement is irresistible! Covering the pot will help contain the popped corn, so you don’t have to worry about any mess.


  1. Get outside… now that the weather is beautiful! Grill or barbeque as much as possible. Cooking outside makes food more special. You can grill a variety of items like veggies, meat and fish. You can even grill your dessert like fresh peaches and pineapple.


  1. Eat Together. Find the time to sit down and enjoy your meals together. The whole point of cooking is to come together as a family and share!Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @kidcochildcare and on instagram @cheflisaruscica!



Lisa Ruscica

Food Chief Ambassador

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